
Interactive Installation

Download the Static Binary Distribution

This single binary acts as both the entrypoint for the observability service as well as the CLI used for querying and generating reports.

Some additional steps are required before the observability service can properly operate, however. An interactive installation wizard is provided to automate this process.

Installation will require root permissions, and will confirm all changes prior to applying them.

Running the Installer

Assuming you've been provided the statically-compiled mdsbom binary mentioned above, ensure it is executable with chmod +x ./mdsbom and run the installer with mdsbom install.

If run as a regular user, the installer will prompt you to elevate permissions with sudo. If sudo is not present and configured on the target system, please run the installer as the root user.

The installer will detect some properties of the host system and interactively prompt the user when required.

Roughly, the installer will configure

  • Installing the program to a globally-accessible location
  • Configuring a compatible container engine
  • Creating a group for controlling access to the query interface
  • Creating a default configuration file
  • Configuring systemd to start the observability service on boot

Performing the install

Once all prompts have been answered, an install plan will be generated. From the interactive interface, you can examine each step to see exactly what changes will be made to the system.

Once confirmed, the install plan can be saved locally either for automated repeat installs or for uninstalling at a later date.

The plan will then be executed, at which point installation is complete.