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Uploading Docker Targets to a Docker Registry

With Docker, developers can create Docker images that contain applications and their associated dependencies, and upload or share them so that other developers can avoid having to manage dependencies themselves when attemping to execute the containerized application.

Therefore, when developers run a shared Docker image, the containerized environment is already set up for them—thereby eliminating common dependency-related environment issues associated with packaging and executing shared applications.


Check out the official Docker documentation for more information on Docker's use case and why it's useful.

In this regard, Mayhem provides the option for utilizing Docker containers to more reliably manage and execute an application along with its dependencies when testing a specified target. Mayhem can ingest Docker images from the public Docker Hub registry to test containerized target applications.

In this regard, Mayhem provides the option for utilizing Docker containers to more reliably manage and execute an application and its dependencies when testing a specified target. However, before Mayhem can utilize Docker containers to test target applications, developers will need to log into and push their image into Mayhem's internal docker registry.




The alternative option for security testing applications with Mayhem is to package the application locally using the mayhem package command; however, using Docker containers is the more reliable (and ultimately recommended) method.

A Docker registry is a storage and distribution system used for easily organizing and sharing tagged or named Docker images.

Mayhem can communicate with an internal docker registry to easily view docker images (such as with the Mayhem UI) and execute runs on target applications contained within these docker images. By default, deployed Mayhem instances already come pre-packaged with an internal docker registry on port 5000.

Therefore, the mayhem login command serves two purposes:

  1. Authenticate with the Mayhem server via the host URL and API Token.
  2. Login to the internal docker registry located at the host URL (if available).


Check out Installing the Mayhem CLI and Generating API Tokens for more information on how to use the mayhem login command and generate API tokens, respectively.


Pushing a Docker Image to a Docker Registry

For this example, we will create a new image from an existing Docker image and re-tag and push the new image to a specified Docker Hub repository. First, download the 2.5 Tutorial Docker image.

docker pull forallsecure/tutorial:2.5

Next, create a new image docker-upload-tutorial from the forallsecure/tutorial:2.5 image and tag it with your Docker Hub username and image name. Finally, push the new image to the Docker Hub registry.

docker tag forallsecure/tutorial:2.5 <DOCKERHUB_USERNAME>/docker-upload-tutorial
docker push <DOCKERHUB_USERNAME>/docker-upload-tutorial

And that's it! You just pushed a new docker image to Docker Hub!

Once logged into the internal docker registry, you can now push any new images to the docker registry.

Therefore, for this example, we will create a new image from an existing Docker image and push the new image to our internal docker registry. First, download the 2.5 Tutorial Docker image.

docker pull forallsecure/tutorial:2.5

Next, re-tag the forallsecure/tutorial:2.5 Docker image as docker-upload-tutorial and tag it with the internal Docker registry URL and desired repository name. Finally, push the new image to the internal Docker registry.

docker tag forallsecure/tutorial:2.5 <REGISTRY_HOST>/forallsecure/docker-upload-tutorial
docker push <REGISTRY_HOST>/forallsecure/docker-upload-tutorial

And that's it! You just pushed a new Docker image to your internal Docker registry!

Testing Your Docker Image via the Mayhem CLI

As always, you can also use the Mayhem CLI to test an uploaded Docker image existing in the public Docker Hub registry. Simply configure a Mayhemfile and set the image parameter to point to the Docker Hub image along with the containerized cmd target`.

As always, you can also use the Mayhem CLI to fuzz an uploaded Docker image existing in the private Mayhem Docker Registry. Simply configure a Mayhemfile and set the image parameter to point to the Docker Hub image along with the containerized cmd target`.

project: forallsecure/docker-upload-tutorial
target: latest
  - cmd: /root/tutorial/testme/v1/testme @@
image: $MAYHEM_DOCKER_REGISTRY/forallsecure/docker-upload-tutorial:latest
project: forallsecure/docker-upload-tutorial
target: latest
  - cmd: /root/tutorial/testme/v1/testme @@


Use the $MAYHEM_DOCKER_REGISTRY variable to specify the URL of the current Mayhem Docker registry. This variable becomes available when users log into the Mayhem Docker registry using the mayhem login command.

Then, simply execute the mayhem run command for the above Mayhemfile and you should see the containerized application being fuzzed! For example, navigate to the directory of the Mayhemfile and execute the following:

mayhem run .

And that's it! You should now see a Mayhem run for your newly uploaded Docker image.



Using Docker images is a convenient and effective tool for packaging and sharing applications and their dependencies through the use of a containerized environment. Mayhem supports the use of these Docker images and allows users to ingest Docker images from the public Docker Hub registry.

Using Docker images is a convenient and effective tool for packaging and sharing applications and their dependencies through the use of a containerized environment. Mayhem supports the use of these Docker images through the use of its private Docker registry, which has been provided for enhanced user convenience and reliability.

Knowing how to push Docker images to the Docker Hub registry will allow you to fuzz your own uploaded Docker Hub images in Mayhem.

Knowing how to push Docker images into your Docker registry will allow you to utilize the Docker Registry page in the Mayhem UI and easily execute Mayhem runs on target applications within the available docker images.